
Name of programme                  SOCIAL WORK

Qualification awarded                 Bachelor in Social Work

Field of study                              Social Sciences

Study area                                  Social Sciences

Length of the programme           4 years (8 semesters)

Scope of programme (ECTS)     240 ECTS

Language of instruction              English 

Location                                      Kaunas, Lithuania

Starting date                               1st of September

Tuition fee for Non-EU students  TBC



The purpose of Social work first cycle studies is to prepare well-educated, open for innovations, critically thinking generalist social workers for the fast changing national and international employment market.

The graduates of the first cycle study program are prepared to work with different groups of clients seeking to identify their psychosocial needs and potential, plan, organize and coordinate social work processes, evaluate the changes of people’s social functioning and changes in the society; strive for social justice and implementation of human rights.

After the completion of studies graduates will be awarded the university Bachelor degree in social work.

In the second year of studies students have Introductory field practice (4 credits). They visit various social service, educational, health care, law programs and institutions. The main goal of the field practice is to get acquainted with the different fields of professional social work practice. In the third and fourth year of studies students have professional social work field practice at the selected organization. The goal of this field practice is to develop social work skills with different clients’ groups, to collaborate with social workers and different professionals in real professional situations. There are 12 credits for this field practice. In the fourth year of studies students have the pre-diploma field practice (3 credits).  Students integrate professional experience with the final research project.

Competencies acquired

Having completed the studies Social work bachelors will be able to:

Analyse the newest research based social work theories, which explain human development and complex interaction of a human being with environment (micro, mezo, macro levels) from the holistic perspective linking social changes, problem solving and people empowerment in the context of human rights.
Critically apply the newest social work theories and methods of practice following professional ethical principles and values while solving complex social work problems.
Apply intervention and prevention strategies acting purposefully and ethically in real unpredictable practical situations.
Apply quantitative and qualitative research methods identifying social problems, anticipating organizational and social changes in human environment and development of social work profession.
Evaluate social work process with individual, family or/and a small group in unpredictable situations.
Make social projects to solve specialized social work problems, applying principles of organizing social services and principles of project or program management.
Evaluate trends of Lithuanian and foreign social policy and national social security system preparing recommendations for social policy implementation.
Demonstrate effective communication skills (with clients, colleagues, other professionals) solving complex and unpredictable social work problems.
Integrate different forms of professional development (reflection, professional supervision, conferences) following lifelong learning principles.

Career opportunities

After gaining the Bachelor diploma in social work, students can choose to study in the Master programs of social policy, social work, law, sociology, economy, education etc. in the universities of Lithuania or abroad. Graduates of Social work study work program work in various Social welfare and labor system institutions in national and local level, schools, social care and specialized social care institutions, child protection services, NGO‘s, etc.  Graduates initiate different social projects, promote and lead social service agencies.

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