
Name of programme                              JOURNALISM AND MEDIA INDUSTRIES

Qualification awarded                             Master in Journalism

Field of study                                          Political Sciences and diplomacy

Study area                                              Social sciences

Length of the programme                       2 years (4 semesters)

Scope of programme (ECTS)                 120 ECTS

Language of instruction                          English 

Location                                                 Kaunas, Lithuania

Starting date                                          1st of September

Tuition fee for Non-EU students            TBC



The graduate program in Journalism and Media Industries aims at training and educating experienced and knowledgeable media professionals open to societal changes, professional challenges and innovations, possessing journalistic knowledge and expertise not only to adequately respond to various societal needs, but also to critically analyze the impact of media in the country's public life, and to initiate new and innovative communications services, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and multi-media projects.
Study subjects taught in the program cover a variety of issues in the field of journalism and media studies, predominantly those related to social and media changes, globally and contextually focused innovations. The study program also includes compulsory Internship course (organized during Summer semester), which is aimed to provide students with an opportunity to put their knowledge and skills into practice and gain on-the-job training in the field of journalism.

Feedback of lecturers and students

“I will never get tired to say how great was my study experience at VMU. Besides giving me a lot in terms of knowledge, it also allowed me to live in an extremely cozy environment, meeting new international friends and having the chance to get valuable feedback and personal suggestions from a greatly skilled teachers and professors. Undoubtedly my study period at VMU enriched me a lot and gave me additional international experience that will always be useful for any kind of future choice.“

Alessandro Poroli graduated in 2014, now enrolled in PhD studies in Honkong

Competencies acquired

Program graduates will acquire qualifications and a great diversity of skills and detailed professional competences ranging from the most general related to the comprehension of societal process to the most specific and subject (journalism and media) focused. Program alumni will be qualified to work in media and communications organizations, research and training institutions, media monitoring bureaus and market research companies. The Master’s Program in Journalism and Media Industries qualifies for further studies, including PhD programs.

Career opportunities

Program alumni will be qualified to work in media and communications organizations, research and training institutions, media monitoring bureaus and market research companies. The Master’s Program in Journalism and Media Industries qualifies for further studies, including PhD programs.

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