
Name of programme                         MIGRATION POLITICS AND HISTORY OF DIASPORAS

Qualification awarded                       Master of Humanities

Field of study                                    Humanities

Study area                                        Humanities sciences

Length of the programme                 1,5 years (3 semesters)

Scope of programme (ECTS)           90 ECTS

Language of instruction                    English 

Location                                            Kaunas, Lithuania

Starting date                                     1st of September

Tuition fee for Non-EU students       TBC



The postgraduate programme of Migration politics and history of diasporas (MPHD) is the first and only graduate programme in Lithuania and Baltic States that offers English courses in the field of Migration politics and comparative historical narratives of diasporas. The programme is mainly oriented towards analysis of migration and diasporas history, present-day migration processes and migration policy trends. The best and most motivated students will be encouraged to study at least one semester abroad at one of VMU’s partner universities in Europe.

Feedback of lecturers and students

“This kind of program is the only one in Lithuania and offers ample opportunities to get acquainted with political, historical, cultural and social phenomena of migration policy and history of Diasporas and develop students’ analytical skills to be employed in practice. The program enables one to get involved in scientific networks, projects and ad-hoc events of academic nature. Students are offered to become experts of the interdisciplinary field, deepen their critical thinking and boost their career opportunities, including international perspectives”. – dr. Ilona Strumickienė

Competencies acquired

Knowledge of contemporary migration politics and history of diasporas.
Ability to analyse critically contemporary migration policy in Europe and history processes of diasporas.
Understanding of changes and development trends of governmental, public, political and business structures on issues related to history of migration and Diasporas, and migration policy..
Effective participation in the scientific and public debate on migration, migration policy, history and culture of Diasporas.
Ability to use research, communication and evaluation methods and tools in educational, informational, consultation and other activities.

Career opportunities

Graduates will be prepared to work in governmental and non-governmental institutions, academic institutions, as well as European migration institutions and networks that have demand for migration policy and/or history of diasporas experts.

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